Help i want to start my nft collection from number 0 to 9999 but when i mint it minted number 1

help i want to start my nft collection from number 0 to 9999 but when i mint it minted number 1

Hello everyone

So that the creation of the metadata and images of the NFTs does not start at 0 to 9999, I modified the "main.js" file so that it starts from 1 to 10000. Just look for this file in the folder that makes it possible to create the NFTs, open it and you have to look for a section of the code that is the following:

const startCreating = async () => {
  let layerConfigIndex = 0;
  let editionCount = 1;
  let failedCount = 0;
  let abstractedIndexes = [];
  for (
    let i = network == NETWORK.sol ? 0 : 0;
    i <= layerConfigurations[layerConfigurations.length - 1].growEditionSizeTo;
  ) {

Now let the part where "let i = network == NETWORK.sol ? 0 : 0;" is replace the second 0 with a 1. This is how the code should look.

const startCreating = async () => {
  let layerConfigIndex = 0;
  let editionCount = 1;
  let failedCount = 0;
  let abstractedIndexes = [];
  for (
    let i = network == NETWORK.sol ? 0 : 1;
    i <= layerConfigurations[layerConfigurations.length - 1].growEditionSizeTo;
  ) {

In this way the creation of the NFTs will start at 1 and end at 10,000.