GSN Starter Kit - Attempted import error: ‘PublicAddress’ is not exported from ‘rimble-ui’

@ashishk74 reported on Telegram:

Was trying to run GSN starter kit and saw this error, pl help

Was trying on operating system Windows 10, node v12.14.0., npm - ‘6.13.4’,

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Hi @ashishk74,

I suggest using Windows Subsystem for Linux (I use WSL2 on Windows 10).

I just ran the GSN Starter Kit on WSL2 on node v12.14.0 and npm 6.13.4 with no issues.

There is a guide on Using Gas Station Network starter kit on a local network and Using Gas Station Network starter kit on a public testnet

Regards the GSN and Starter Kits please see announcement Doubling down on security

Hi @ashishk74,

Were you able to resolve?

I only get this issue if I run npm update and update some of the dependencies.