Fail with error 'BAL#528'

can someone help with this error ? trying to make a flash loan with balancer arbitrage trade

can u help me out

mine cumputer dont let me

i dont have vpn i have a filter

ma can u help me tx
with this ererr

thate link is froud dont give me it agane sir

flash laon ererr 528

Hi, welcome to the community! :wave:

You can share your code if possible, so we can check what is wrong.

I have alredy fixed this error.
I want to discuss about this.
I fixed without considering your source code.

when you are free, please contact

I hi can we have zoom

1 Like

yes, this is available
I am valdemir, yesterday candidate

I fixed this error immediately after receiving feedback of interview

yeah i will join to this meeting

hello lets have googel meat

hi can maet now googel meat

helllo wot did u diside

waiting 2 minit thane i muset leev