I build a contract, where a user can deposit a custom token using the createStake
function like that:
contract StakingRewards {
IERC20 token;
constructor(address _tokenAddress){
token = ERC20(_tokenAddress);
function createStake(uint256 _stake) public {
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _stake)); // <-- This seems to be the problem with truffle test
if(stakes[msg.sender] == 0) _addStakeHolder(msg.sender);
stakes[msg.sender] = stakes[msg.sender].add(_stake);
When using the console truffle console --network development
everything work. as expected:
- I first approve the token allowance for the staking rewards contract like that:
token.approve(StakingRewards.address, "100000000000", {from: "0x232....."})
- and then call createStake:
createStake("100000000000", {from: "0x232...."})
and it’s working.
When i’m trying to test it, i’m having some issue, it keep reverting: Error: Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert
This is the code i’m using for the test:
const customToken = artifacts.require("CustomToken");
const StakingRewards = artifacts.require("StakingRewards");
contract('StakingRewards', ([owner, staker1,]) => {
beforeEach( async () => {
customToken = await CustomToken.new("1000000000000000000000000");
stakingRewards = await StakingRewards.new(CustomToken.address);
await customToken.transfer(staker1, "5000000000000000000000");
it("Should create/add stake correctly ", async () => {
const stakeAmount = "10000000000000000000";
await customToken.approve(StakingRewards.address, stakeAmount, {from: staker1 });
await stakingRewards.createStake(stakeAmount, { from: staker1 }); // <--- This keep failling, with "Error VM Exception while processing transaction: revert"
Can i have some help ? Why this test keep failing ? What did i got wrong ?