When deploying a new contract in Mocha, I receive Error: Returned error: base fee exceeds gas limit
const {accounts, contract, web3} = require("@openzeppelin/test-environment");
const {TestHelper} = require("@openzeppelin/cli");
const addresses = require("./helper/addresses");
const Store = Contracts.getFromLocal("Store");
describe("Store", () => {
const [admin] = accounts;
before(async function () {
this.project = await TestHelper();
store = await Store.new(addresses.ContractA, {
from: admin,
My test-environment.config.js
module.exports = {
accounts: {
amount: 10, // Number of unlocked accounts
ether: 100, // Initial balance of unlocked accounts (in ether)
contracts: {
type: "truffle", // Contract abstraction to use: 'truffle' for @truffle/contract or 'web3' for web3-eth-contract
defaultGas: 6e6, // Maximum gas for contract calls (when unspecified)
// Options available since v0.1.2
defaultGasPrice: 20e9, // Gas price for contract calls (when unspecified)
artifactsDir: "build/contracts", // Directory where contract artifacts are stored
node: {
// Options passed directly to Ganache client
gasLimit: 8e6, // Maximum gas per block
gasPrice: 20e9, // Sets the default gas price for transactions if not otherwise specified.
is deployed if I specify gasLimit: 8000000
in the transaction, but it seems like this should be done by TestHelper