Error parsing @openzeppelin/upgrades/contracts/upgradeability/ProxyFactory.sol

Hi @Emc_Lab,

I assume the issue is due to the ProxyFactory contract using Solidity 0.5 whilst your contract is using Solidity 0.7.

If you want to deploy upgradeable contracts directly then I recommend using OpenZeppelin Upgrades Plugins for Truffle and Buidler (

If you want to deploy upgradeable contracts via a factory then you could deploy the proxy in OpenZeppelin Contracts (either Solidity 0.6 or Solidity 0.7).

The proxy contracts were moved from the OpenZeppelin SDK in OpenZeppelin Contracts 3.2.

There isn’t a factory that you can use, but you could look at some of the ideas in this PR:

Please note: we’ve decided it’s best to focus our upgradeability efforts on the Upgrades Plugins exclusively, and have halted development on the OpenZeppelin CLI (Building for interoperability: why we’re focusing on Upgrades Plugins)