Hi. Hope you all guys be well.
I tried to clone this contract. (which has LP lock and setting Exchange router)
it is okay in the remix, but when I use truffle, although it compiles correctly and without any error, but when I try to migrate, it gave me this error:
Error: *** Deployment Failed ***
'hit a require or revert statement somewhere in its constructor. Try:
- Verifying that your constructor params satisfy all require conditions.
- Adding reason strings to your require statements.'
I searched for it but not got any correct solution to correct it and being able to deploy the contract. Also tested a simple bep20 contract deployment, and deployed on the network very smoothly and without any error. So I guess there might be an issue on smart contracts like this, or maybe am i doing something wrong?
Hope to find a solution and help me figure it cause I'm stuck in that four couple hours. Thanks