You are right, it is new address[](0), sorry I did not copy it correctly. But the deployment problem is the same, the contract compiles with Truffle correctly, but then there is the problem at deployment time.
Also, I assume Ganache is running, and it’s configured to match your truffle-config.js config’? I had to change Ganache to run on port 8545. And my truffle-config.js looks like this:
try {
require("openzeppelin-test-helpers/configure")({ web3 })
} catch (e) {
// If deploying to a testnet, a weird error about configuring web3 twice occurs. Wrapping the function in a try-catch
// until we find a better approach or --skipDryRun is added to truffle in the next major release
// console.error(e);
I was able to deploy your TokenWithProofOfReserve token to ganache-cli using your migrations script and interact with it using truffle console. Though I am running Windows Subsystem for Linux rather than a Mac.
I suggest you try deploying a simple contract to ganache-cli to rule out any issues with deployment.
Below is a simple contract and migrations script that you could try.
Start a local blockchain ganache-cli -d
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract Counter {
uint256 public value;
function increase() public {
Many thanks!
Everything works ok for us with other, non-ERC777 libraries or code, this is why I thought it was something related to testing and the registry specific to the ERC777 library.
But if you were able to deploy with Truffle/Ganache and use the same code, then it should be something related to our install or some Mac-specific issue. We’ll revise that, thanks again!
Hi, I am running into exact same issue, not sure if there was clear conclusion what is the issue,
In my case I am able to deploy ERC777 contract to ganache as a part of truffle test suite, but fail to do it with pure web3 deploy script.