Deploying Upgradeable Proxies and Proxy Admin from Factory contract

This conversation has been great!

I'd like to build on the pattern you laid out above with MyTokenFactoryBeacon, but rather than hard-code MyTokenUpgradeable in the constructor, use simply an implementation address that could point to anything that was upgradeable. Ultimately, this would be a reusable factory, regardless of what the implementation is. One could imagine its implementation to look something like:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.9;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/beacon/UpgradeableBeacon.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/beacon/BeaconProxy.sol";

 contract ProxyBeaconFactory {
    address public beacon;

    address[] public beacons;

    event ProxyDeployed(address proxyAddress);

    constructor(address implementation_) {
        UpgradeableBeacon _beacon = new UpgradeableBeacon(
        beacon = address(_beacon);

    function create(bytes calldata data) external returns (address) {
        address proxyAddress = new BeaconProxy(beacon, data);
        emit ProxyDeployed(proxyAddress);
        return proxyAddress;

I do wonder though about the recent announcement regarding potential risks using UUPS. If the implementation_ does indeed implement the UUPS pattern, are there any measures that need to be taken to guard against those risks?

Additionally, I believe the pattern to ultimately use this is something like:

1. Deploy a MyTokenUpgradeable contract normally - without OZ upgrades or anything.
2. Deploy ProxyBeaconFactory(myTokenUpgradeable.address)
3. proxyBeaconFactory.create(dataToInitializeAnInstanceOfMyTokenUpgradeable)

Am I thinking about this the right way?

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