Defender fails to retrieve ABI when importing verified contracts from Mumbai

I'm trying to import a contract that is deployed on the Mumbai testnet: 0xF15A2ada64A9C3C14ca11359c8F1d22B063DB2AD .

When I try to import this address ("Add contract") with Network=Mumbai I get the following error message:

"Failed to retrieve ABI automatically. The selected contract's source code is not verified. You could verify the target contract on either Etherscan or Sourcify or copy and paste the ABI manually."

The contract's source code is verified and can be obtained from PolygonScan:

:computer: Environment
I'm using .

I can't think of more details to provide, but let me know if you need more.

:1234: Code to reproduce

Hi @espendk

Thank you for getting in touch.

We have been made aware of this issue and are working on a fix as we speak.
Unfortunately, that means you will need to copy the ABI manually (which you can find in the link you have provided) until the fix is deployed.

Apologies for the inconvenience.