Hi All,I am trying to create a signature in bytes, I don't know how to create it, can anyone please, explain how to create a signature.
Hello @Martina
That really depends on what library you plan to use. If you go with ether.js, then you can find the corresponding documentation here
Thank you @Amxx.I will check it
Hi @Amxx,I tried that but it asks mnemonic, without mnemonic how to create a signature.please help me to solve this out.
you can also create a Wallet-object which accepts a private key and can be used to sign transactions
You need a key to do the signature. Mnemonic is just one of many ways to instantiate a signing key.
What key/wallet would you like to use?
Thanks @minh_trng for your response
Thanks @Amxx .I used my wallet to create a signature.Is there any other way to create a signature without using a Mnemonic. can you please explain it.
The signature is produced by a wallet / an identity.
There can be instanciated from a private key, a mnemonic, or created randomly ... it really depend on you usecase.
ohh ok @Amxx ,thanks