Hey everyone! So, I recently wrote a crowd-sale using OpenZeppelin. Right now, I am wondering how do I get token’s “price” in WEI or ETH ? do we have any example for that or something like that?
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I haven’t come across a Crowdsale price
, but you should be able to calculate it using the rate.
Yeah, I am aware that there is no price in Crowdsale. I am just looking for ways to calculate it. If my token has standard 18 decimal, I think it should be as simple as “rate * 10^18”. Just looking for examples to verify that and test it myself in my code.
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The formula is: TKNbits = rate * wei
(From: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/2.x/crowdsales#crowdsale-rate)
Which should then be:
- The price for 1 TKNbit is
wei = 1 / rate
- the price for 1 TKN with 18 decimals is
wei = (1 * 10^18) / rate
Depending on the value for rate you will have to watch out for rounding.
Though I recommend writing appropriate tests to check this.
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