Warning: Contract code size is 25790 bytes and exceeds 24576 bytes (a limit introduced in Spurious Dragon). This contract may not be deployable on Mainnet. Consider enabling the optimizer (with a low "runs" value!), turning off revert strings, or using libraries.
Contract Falcon.
Dear all, I'm attaching the contract here as well,
I have tried optimization on remix, but it couldn't br deployed.
Then i tried on truffle and it's giving this above-mentioned error.
Needs your kind support please.
P.s this code smart Contract is not written by me, neither I'm confident Enough to optimise it myself as my dev skills are not so good.
Looking forward for your kind support, please
Smart contracts is
In contract Falcon
, change all public
and public payable
functions to internal
, as none of them seems to need more than that.
That alone solves the problem in this contract.
In contract FalconWrap
, change the public
function to external
, as it doesn't seem to need more than that.
That doesn't solve the problem in this contract, but you may as well do it.
Then go to your hardhat configuration file, and change this:
solidity: {
version: "0.7.6"
To this:
solidity: {
version: "0.7.6",
settings: {
optimizer: {
enabled: true,
runs: 0
Strange are the ways of the Solidity optimizer...
BTW, if you do need those functions declared public
for some reason, then the second step mentioned above (enabled: true
) alone solves the problem on the Falcon
But you'll still need to figure out a way to solve the problem on the FlaconWrap
For example, you can split the Falcon
contract into two contracts:
- Move all
and view
functions from the Falcon
contract into a new contract
- Declare some of them as
and some of them as external
, as needed
- Move all storage variables from the
contract into the new contract
- Add functions to make some of them accessible to the
contract, as needed
- Restrict permission on some of these functions to the
contract only, as needed
That should help reducing the size of the Falcon
contract, and since the FalconWrap
contract inherits from the Falcon
contract, that should also help reducing the size of the FalconWrap