Can ERC1155 tokens be put onto uniswap?

I want to make a smart contract that mint erc1155 tokens on a sigmoid bonding curve and then put those tokens on uniswap, is that possible?

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Hi @Alexander_Yoseph,

I don’t know if Uniswap supports ERC1155, I thought it only supported ERC20.

You could try asking in the Uniswap Discord: (Link in Community on

Well i thought that erc1155 lets you program them into erc20 tokens but I guess its just acts like a erc 20 but it isn’t one fundamentally.

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Hi @Alexander_Yoseph,

ERC1155 is a multi token standard:
Individual tokens aren’t compatible with ERC20.

Does that mean that ERC1155 Fungible Tokens are supported by uniswap, but ERC1155 NFTs are NOT? Or is that still unresolved?