Binance Testnet Deployment Error: Could not create addresses from your mnemonic or private key(s)

Hi. I was trying to deploy my contract to Binance Smart Chain Testnet and I got this error.

Error: Could not create addresses from your mnemonic or private key(s). Please check that your inputs are correct.

My Truffle Config File

My .env File
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY= INFURA_API_KEY= PRIVATE_KEYS="94916477xxxxx57ad13xxd9fe5f94456e412xxf5388014fxxxxxxxed" DEV_ADDRESS="0xxxxx43EBCab9xxxCeC9d9e2a491xxxxxxC"

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It seems like a problem about the package @truffle/hdwallet-provider, maybe the problem is the line 13: privateKeys.split(','), according to its doc, if you want to pass an array of private keys, I think you should use like following:

const privateKeys = [
//start at address_index 0 and load both addresses
provider = new HDWalletProvider(privateKeys, "http://localhost:8545", 0, 2); 
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i used a new method.

But getting a silly error.

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Hi @Bsc_Talk,

If you are having issues configuring to connect to a network, I suggest looking at Connecting to public test networks.

I did that using another technique thanks.

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