As of today, what is the best practice for using ProxyFactory.sol in a project (for deploying minimal proxies)? I see in the roadmap the plan is to migrate it to @openzeppelin/contracts, whereas it seems only @openzepplin/upgrades currently includes it but only for Solidity ^0.5.3.
I can of course copy the contract and change the pragma, but I wanted to check if there was a preferred approach I'm missing
For now the best option is to copy/paste the ProxyFactory.sol so that you can use it with Solidity 0.6 in your project.
There is an initial migration in the solc-0.6 branch. It hasn’t been tested though. Unfortunately, although the contract migration itself is quite straightforward, migrating all of the tests and setup to use Solidity 0.6 will be quite a bit more work that we don’t have the bandwidth to do at the moment.
The plan is still to move the proxy contracts to OpenZeppelin Contracts.