Tech Innovator || Blockchain dev || Fullstack dev|| Entrepreneur || DeFi || Agritech || Metaverse || Web3 || Smart contract.
I'm a skilled software developer with experience in TypeScript, JavaScript, Dart and Solidity, and
expertise in frameworks like ReactJs, NextJs, Node.js, NestJs, Three.js, Laravel, and Flutter.
Additionally, I also work on blockchain related solutions, including Web3 Dapps, smart contrat
development/testing/deployment, NFTs, Metaverse, DeFi, DAO as well as teach corporation or students
on blockchain technology design and implementation.
I am committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in the industry, and I am
constantly seeking new challenges to further develop my skills and expertise.
I'm a quick learner and collaborate closely with clients to create efficient, scalable, and user-friendly
solutions that solve real-world problems. Let's work together to bring your ideas to life
GITHUB: https://github.com/blcdevs
2ND GITHUB: https://github.com/isofttechn
WEBSITE: https://isofttechn.app/
TELEGRAM: @isofttechn
Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~017b88801e27583a30
DISCORD: @blcdev#5828
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/isofttechn