Verify Timelock and MultiSig wallet contracts on OpenZeppelin Defender

Hi @CuriosCrew,

Thank you for getting in touch!

There are a couple of tutorials you can find in this forum to verify contracts:

You can use remix or hardhat / truffle and deploy by simply using the import as follows:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/TimelockController.sol";

As for source code and compiler settings:
Timelock is generated from OZ contracts v4.3.1 with optimisation enabled.

As for the multisig, if you could send your multisig address and network to, we can look into it.

  1. Can we hold funds on MultiSig wallet and do transactions as a regular wallet.?

Yes, you will be able to hold funds on the multisig, however, Defender Admin is currently better suited for contract administration, rather than funds management. You can still manage your funds via Admin actions or via the Gnosis Safe UI, which is better suited for asset management.

As for using a multisig as a "regular" wallet, you will not be able to use it as if it were an account in MetaMask.

  1. Once ownership is transferred to a timelock contract, can we make adjustments on Etherscan, and is there a way to connect with the Etherscan profile or other third-party apps to verify the ownership.?

Not entirely sure, however, looking at Etherscan's documentation, you'll only be required to verify ownership once (by signing a message). After that, no verification is required anymore, which should allow you to continue updating settings. To be on the safe side, I would recommend you confirm this with Etherscan themselves.