Using TestHelper, is it possible to pass the proxy admin address into the createProxy function?

I am attempting to test an upgradable contract using the TestHelper() function and am unable to figure out how to pass the proxy admin address into the proxy creation as a constructor parameter. Is this possible using TestHelper()?

The use case for this is to create upgradable contracts on behalf of someone and allow them to be the owner immediately after deployment. I do not want to create a proxy using createProxy() in order to only get the admin proxy address and then follow that up with the desired createProxy().

If this is not possible, what is the expected method of achieving this goal?

The code looks like:

function initialize(address _proxyAdmin) public initializer {
    // Call the proxy admin address to change the owner to the newly deployed proxy contract
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Hello, Shane! Great to see you around here! :muscle:

I am attempting to test an upgradable contract using the TestHelper() function and am unable to figure out how to pass the proxy admin address into the proxy creation as a constructor parameter. Is this possible using TestHelper() ?

You can send the proxy admin address to the TestHelper's createProxy method. The declaration of it looks like this:

  public async createProxy(contract: Contract, contractParams: ContractInterface = {}): Promise<Contract> {

Where contractParams follows ContractInterface interface structure, which looks like this:

export interface ContractInterface {
  packageName: string;
  contractName: string;
  initMethod?: string;
  initArgs?: string[];
  redeployIfChanged?: boolean;
  admin?: string;

That being said, you should be able to set the proxy admin doing something like:

const project = await TestHelper();
const proxy = await this.project.createProxy(MyContract, { contractName: 'MyContract', packageName: 'MyPackage', admin: '0x12345...' });

Where 0x12345... will be the admin of the proxy.

If you then try to do something like this:

await proxy.methods.myContractFn().call({ from: '0x12345...' });

It should revert, as you are calling a function from the implementation contract directly from the proxy admin.