Upgradeable Contract Failure on Mainnet, but success on Rinkeby

Hi, I think the OpenZeppelin Hardhat Upgrades plugin provides the deployProxy function to deploy upgradeable contract. This deploys implementation contract, ProxyAdmin contract and the proxy contract. But for the link you shared, I only find one contract.

And I think for the script, it should be:

    this.accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
    ({ chainId: this.chainId } = await ethers.provider.getNetwork());
    NPort = await ethers.getContractFactory("NPortContract");
    console.log("about to deploy contract");

    const nport = await upgrades.deployProxy(NPort, ["NPortContract", "NPORT", "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/"], {initializer: 'initialize'});

   // await nport.deployed(); // <<<<<------ I think you can delete this line.
    console.log("contract deployed to " + nport.address);
    console.log("initialized contract");