Truffle migration to ropsten

Hi Andrew, question…do you see anything wrong with this config file that could prevent a migration to ropsten? NPX seems to always push the migration through on ‘development’ regardless if ropsten is found or not. I cleaned the DNS cache, cleaned web browser dns cache, but I think it may be an issue where NPX is looking in node_modules for a network.js file and overlooking truffle-config.js in the project dir…I did notice a few network updated comments as well but I cant locate the contracts on ropsten as of yet…also I tried running the box tests on my contracts just to see what would happen and the tests failed because of data retrieval noticing changes or something similar…Are those box test scripts appropriate at all for low initial testing on ERC20_Upgradeable? Hopefully you can zoom in on this png file of my truffle-config.js :

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Hi @rmourey26,

I didn’t see anything obvious (aside from no apparent configuration for Solidity compiler version, see:

Are you specifying the network to use? e.g. npx truffle migrate --network ropsten

Hey Andrew I hope you're doing well!

I am considering upgrading the token i deployed in late 2020.

Is there a tutorial that explains the process from a 'pre-existing' standpoint where a token was created a couple of years ago using much older versions of Solidity and OZ rather than a tutorial showing how to deploy and then upgrade using essentially the same contract and dependency versions? Perhaps I am overthinking the situation and perhaps not.

Can you please offer some clarity here and point me in the right direction? Thanks again for your time and assistance!! Best regards,


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As a note, I configured an OpenZeppelin defender environment to use for the upgrade process. It seems thats the way to go with upgrades in general.