Transferring ownership of Proxy Contract for the UBI ERC20 Token

Hi OZ Team!

At the Proof of Humanity DAO we are in the process of transferring the management of the proxy that handles the UBI ERC20 contract to the UBI DAO. Here you can get some context from our own forum.

For this puprose we need to setup a ticket in the Proof of Humanity Governor (0x327a29fcE0a6490E4236240Be176dAA282EcCfdF) that will change the settings of the proxy contract, currently having the PoH Governor as admin, to the new admin that will be the UBI DAO Governor (0x7510c77163683448b8Dc8fe9e019d9482Be1ed2b).

:1234: Code to reproduce

Based on the first time we did this that consisted of myself personally handling the management of the UBI ERC20 from an address of mine to the PoH DAO a few weeks after we launched, my best guess is that we should setup the ticket the following way, being this a ticket executed directly by the current owner, the PoH Governor that I mention above (0x327a...CfdF)

- Contract Address: 0x2b59500ad441bf5accf8ff89449552b6487132e0
- Value: 0
- Contract Input: transferOwnership
     - newOwner: 0x7510c77163683448b8Dc8fe9e019d9482Be1ed2b

My understanding is that having this ticket being executed from the current owner of the proxy, shall effectively assign owner rights to the UBI DAO (0x7510...ed2b).

:computer: Environment

The tickets are setup on the Kleros Governor that manages the PoH DAO and remain locked for a period of 7 days. If no one challenges the list of tickets, then these get executed by the contract.

Is the ticket that I'm presenting above okay in order to change the owner of the Proxy or is there anything else that should be taken into consideration?

Thanks for your advice.

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Yes, this looks right.

0x2b59 is the ProxyAdmin instance that is in control of upgradeability for the UBI Token (0xDd1Ad9A21Ce722C151A836373baBe42c868cE9a4).

0x327a is the owner of the ProxyAdmin instance so it is the account that can trigger upgrades.

The ticket when executed by 0x327a will transfer this power to 0x7510.

As usual it is recommended to execute a test on a local fork.

Note: I don't know if the ProxyAdmin is in charge of other proxies. If so, the ticket would also affect those.

Thank @frangio, super clear as usual. We effectively tested the ticket on a local fork and system seems ready to go!

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