Sending contract balance when deployProxy

I'm newbie about smart contract so maybe my question might sound simple for experts.

I'm working for integrating the OZ Upgrade plugin into my contract used for study purposes
Following the documentation I was able to integrate it.
There is only one impediment and I cannot find an answer online.

My pre-upgraded contract (old contract) was able to receive eth balance during the deployment process. (payable ctor)

Using upgraded contract I'm not able to pass the information automatically as I did before.

Any suggestions ?

:1234: Code to reproduce

Old Contract


    const myContractFactory = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("MyContract");
    const myContract= await myContractFactory .deploy({
      //after deploy my contract balance is 0.001 eth
      value: hre.ethers.utils.parseEther("0.001"),


Upgraded Contract using OZ Proxy


     let balance = hre.ethers.utils.parseEther("0.0001");
    const myContractFactory = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("MyContract");
    const myContract = await upgrades.deployProxy(myContractFactory,
       //it doesn't work 
            value: balance,
            initializer: "setup"



I tried passing information in many other ways without finding a working solution

:computer: Environment

Hardhat local

I don't think we support sending value with the deployment, but it should be an easy feature to add. Can you open an issue in the repository?

Thank you Frangio for your answer.
Done :wink:

Sending contract balance when deployProxy · Issue #538 · OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-upgrades (

Is it possible to make the initializer payable?
function initialize() public payable initializer {}
If so, how would I provide the value parameter to the hardhat-upgrades deployProxy function?

But why would you want to make the initializer payable?

Same reasons one would make the constructor payable

Same question here, the easy way is obviously not working

 proxy = await upgrades.deployProxy(contract, {value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1"),})

It'd be intersting to find it out, I'll keep researching...

@0xJayPi This is being tracked in the GitHub issue above.