Programmatically deploying upgradeable proxies

I followed this link Creating upgradeable contracts from Solidity, is it mandatory to use App.sol? - SDK - OpenZeppelin Community in the forum and could deploy the upgradeable proxies using ProxyFactory - I am deploying 3 proxies all pointing to the same implementation contract. I am not sure how to upgrade them - do I call deploy() again in ProxyFactory with the same data parameters but with a new implementation address ? Will that retain the data in the current proxies deployed before the upgrade ?

I am also facing another issue after deploying upgradeable proxies using ProxyFactory. My tests are failing with a Error: Returned error: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert Cannot call fallback function from the proxy admin

It is coming from this line which was working fine with minimal proxies earlier.
console.log("Account Via-USD cash token balance before sending ether:", await web3.utils.hexToNumberString(await web3.utils.toHex(await viausdCash.balanceOf(accounts[0]))));

Any feedback will be much appreciated.

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