When using the StandaloneERC20 as per the guide if you pick “No” when asked to call a function after deployment, an error is produced.
? Pick a contract to instantiate @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/StandaloneERC20
? Pick a network development
√ Deploying @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package dependency to network dev-1564745320775
All contracts are up to date
? Do you want to call a function on the instance after creating it? No
Possible initialization method (initialize) found in contract. Make sure you initialize your instance.
Invalid JSON RPC response: ""
Reproduce by following above flow.
Recommended fix: remove Yes/No option from contracts that can’t be deployed without those an init function being called.
I think that there is potential to improve the prompt message to mention initialization.
Do you want to call a function on the instance after creating it?
I get a warning selecting No to initialize.
Possible initialization method (initialize) found in contract. Make sure you initialize your instance.
I don't get the RPC error. Did ganache-cli stop running and / or produce an error?
What version of ganache-cli are you running?
$ npx openzeppelin create
No contracts found to compile.
? Pick a contract to instantiate @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/StandaloneERC20
? Pick a network development
✓ Deploying @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package dependency to network dev-1565060842511
All contracts are up to date
? Do you want to call a function on the instance after creating it? No
Possible initialization method (initialize) found in contract. Make sure you initialize your instance.
✓ Setting everything up to create contract instances
✓ Instance created at 0xba5b7E64bae1f953816B9f3a7de6B5b5378F9Fb8