OZ Create Error

Hi @steeve,

In case you weren’t aware, there are two versions of the GSN:

  • GSNv1 : Use in production now (though you may want to run your own relayer on mainnet to ensure availability).
  • GSNv2 : In development at OpenGSN.org. See Doubling down on security for more details.

Assuming you are just getting started and depending on your development roadmap, you could look at the upcoming improvements in GSNv2. I suggest joining the OpenGSN telegram to get the latest news on GSNv2 development and timescales.

Please ask all the questions that you need. For questions on GSNv2 you can ask in the OpenGSN telegram.

You can use Truffle with the GSN.

With the OpenZeppelin CLI, oz create is deprecated and you should use oz deploy.

Are you able to share your contract?