Mint ERC721 tokens in pseudorandom order

Just re-posting my answer from another related thread which is relevant here (I found both threads highly related as I was doing my research on these forums):

I would like to share my idea on solving this problem (been thinking a lot lately about fair random minting) Please check the evolution of my ideas. First two assume all metadata is uploaded to IPFS prior the minting for transparency and fairness. In this case we need to ensure randomness of assigning the tokens:

  1. My first idea was kind of what @swixx shown above with their code snippet (generating random ID and checking it against the list of minted token IDs), but it does become prohibitively expensive progressively as the number of non-minted tokens depletes because you have to read a lot from expensive storage as mentioned by @frangio - not an option (especially for tokens with average-to-big supply). Not to mention the on-chain RNG which is prone to attacks like the mentioned Meebits exploit.

  2. Getting RNG seed off-chain (eg. Chainlink VRF) - solves RNG problem, but does not solve gas fees problem with iterations - still not an option.

Then eventually I came to option 3 - sequential token IDs with batched metadata uploads. In this case, the contract creator would upload metadata to IPFS periodically, eg. every N mints. With total supply being T = M x N, M would the number of such batches.

Now you would say it defeats the purpose of on-chain fairness - but I have a solution to this. The contract creator can hard-code an M-length array of MD5 digests for each metadata batch, and then just unveil the batches JSON on their website as they are uploaded to IPFS. This guarantees that all the metadata was pre-generated in advance and was not tampered with afterwards (you can easily calculate MD5 digest on a string and compare it with what's in the contract).

The only risk with this approach is that the contract creator may disappear and won't upload the remaining metadata. In this case it may affect certain number of buyers in the last non-revealed batch, and afterwards the project would go bust anyway. But I think this problem is much wider than a few buyers not getting their token metadata, so for serious projects this shouldn't be a concern.

I am happy to hear back your thoughts on this.

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