How to launch a simple NFT on BSC?

Hi @DutchJSDev,

Welcome to the community :wave:

I assume there shouldn't be any issues. You could try the following to the testnet of Binance Smart chain: Create an NFT and deploy to a public testnet, using Truffle

BSC is EVM compatible, so Solidity contracts can be deployed to BSC.
Please note, the consensus mechanism is different between Ethereum and BSC, so how they are secured is fundamentally different.

OpenZeppelin Contracts is community-vetted code.

Please note OpenZeppelin Contracts 4.0 is coming (Contracts 4.0 Timeline), so depending on your roadmap you may want to use 4.0.

For admin accounts (Minter, Pauser etc) best practice is to use a multisig:

I would also suggest looking at OpenZeppelin Defender (which supports BSC):