Is it possible to create OpenZeppelin AppProject contracts infrastructure in one transaction?

Currently, creation of the AppProject is a huge bunch of transactions that are sending by the CLI.
For example, we need to add the functionality of creation of upgradeable applications into a Dapp.
This feature becomes hell to the user experience because he will need to approve that number of metamask popups. Is it exist a solution where the whole process of creation of the AppPropject is encapsulated into just one or couple transactions?
If not - is it just possible? and with what difficulties will we face?

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Hey @kostysh! Yes, it should be feasible to implement. However, Iā€™m curious about your use case: the CLI is meant for command-line use, yet you mention having to go through Metamask for approval. What does your app look like? Also, why are you considering using an AppProject, instead of the simpler SimpleProject or ProxyAdminProject?

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I am using AppProject because of my contract creates other contracts from the solidity and were needed an App for this. More precisely, I had used AppProject because I had simplified architecture and also I refused the idea to create an upgradeability contracts infrastructure from the solidity.
Previously, my Dapp has look like a UI that helping users to create upgradeable contracts without needs to use CLI. Only web browser with Metamask - that is all that user should have.
So my question is exhausted for now.

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