High gas fee on withdrawn function

I'm paying 0.38 ether to run thiese functions. Is that something wrong with it?

IERC20 BUSD = IERC20(0xe9e7CEA3DedcA5984780Bafc599bD69ADd087D56);

function getReward() external view returns(uint){
    require(allowed[msg.sender] == true, 'This address is not allowed to check allowance');
    return (block.timestamp - moment[msg.sender]) * allowance[msg.sender];

function approveClaim() external {
    require(allowed[msg.sender] == true, 'This address is not allowed to perform withdrawns');
    uint amount = moment[msg.sender] * allowance[msg.sender];
    BUSD.approve(msg.sender, amount);

function claim() external {
    require(allowed[msg.sender] == true, 'This address is not allowed to perform withdrawns');
    require(BUSD.balanceOf(address(this)) > (block.timestamp - moment[msg.sender]) * allowance[msg.sender], 'Not enough balance');
    uint amount = moment[msg.sender] * allowance[msg.sender];
    BUSD.transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, amount);
    allowance[msg.sender] = 0;
    emit claimed(msg.sender, amount);

function ownerClaim(uint _amount) external onlyOwner {
    BUSD.transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, _amount);
    emit ownerClaimned(_amount);

function ownerCheckReward(address _address) external view onlyOwner returns(uint){
    return block.timestamp - moment[_address] * allowance[_address];

Can you post the full code which has definitions of moment and allowance and network tested ?

quick glance, did you intend to "block.timestamp - moment[msg.sender] * allowance[msg.sender]"
As per operator precedence, multiplication will be executed first and then add/sub

  1. Also, address 0x4Fabb145d64652a948d72533023f6E7A623C7C53 does not look like smart contract or erc20 address.

  2. require statement in getReward() and claim() needs to use == instead of =

  3. In claim(). moment[msg.sender] is called twice (double sload), can be assigned to variable at the beginning of function and use it later.

Sorry here's the updated contract.