Function _setTokenURI() in ERC721 is gone with pragma ^0.8.0

Hi @sjuanati,

I like the idea of an extension for storing token URI, especially for projects wanting to use decentralized storage.

Having a very quick look at your example (I may not have have spotted everything, and I am a community manager and not a security researcher):

  • I would only include functionality that you need (e.g. in tokenURI).

  • You could use AccessControl rather than ownable, so you could define a MINTER_ROLE and a SET_BASE_URI_ROLE:

  • In the require checks, the message should be updated to use the name of your contract, e.g. : Example: URI set of nonexistent token

  • I prefer to use Counters to increment the token ID, but this costs extra gas, so may be better to generate the token ID off chain.

As an aside you can: Format code in the forum

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