Hello, can someone please point me in the right direction? I have spent almost two weeks trying to resolve the issue.
I'm having Panic: Arithmetic overflow. everytime I call this function from my test script
function buyNft(uint256 tokenId) public payable nonReentrant {
NftItem storage nftItem = _idToNftItem[tokenId];
address owner = ERC721.ownerOf(tokenId);
address creator = nftItem.creator;
uint256 price = nftItem.price;
uint256 royaltyFeePercentage = nftItem.royaltyFeePercentage;
// Ensure the buyer is not the current owner
require(msg.sender != owner, "You already own this NFT");
// Ensure the buyer sent the correct amount
require(msg.value == price, "Please submit the asking price");
// Ensure the NFT is listed for sale
require(nftItem.isListed, "Item is not listed for sale");
// Mark the item as not listed anymore after the purchase
nftItem.isListed = false;
// Calculate royalty and seller amount
uint256 royaltyAmount = (price * royaltyFeePercentage) / 100;
uint256 sellerAmount = price - royaltyAmount;
// Calculate the admin fee using the calculateAdminFee function
uint256 adminFee = calculateAdminFee(price);
// Transfer the admin fee to the admin address
// Transfer the royalty fee to the creator
// Transfer the remaining amount to the seller (previous owner)
// Safely transfer the NFT to the buyer
_safeTransfer(owner, msg.sender, tokenId, "");
// Emit the transfer event
emit NftTransferred(tokenId, owner, msg.sender);
// Emit an event indicating the NFT has been sold
emit NftSold(tokenId, price, msg.sender, owner, creator);
Test script:
const NftMarket = artifacts.require("NftMarket");
const Web3 = require("web3");
contract("NftMarket", (accounts) => {
let nftMarket;
const adminAddress = accounts[0];
const user1 = accounts[1];
const user2 = accounts[2];
const user3 = accounts[3];
let tokenId;
before(async () => {
nftMarket = await NftMarket.new(adminAddress);
describe("Buying NFT", () => {
it("should allow a user to buy an NFT", async () => {
const price = Web3.utils.toWei("2", "ether");
// User2 buys the NFT
const result = await nftMarket.buyNft(tokenId, { from: user2, value: price });
const nftItem = await nftMarket.getNftItem(tokenId);
assert.equal(nftItem.isListed, false, "NFT should be removed from sale after purchase");
assert.equal(nftItem.owner, user2, "Owner should be updated to the buyer");
const transferEvent = result.logs.find(log => log.event === "NftTransferred");
assert.equal(transferEvent.args.from, user1, "The previous owner should be the seller");
assert.equal(transferEvent.args.to, user2, "The new owner should be the buyer");
I'm using Ganache with truffle and @openzeppelin/contracts@5.1.0