ERC777 events no longer working?

Sure… it’s straight from the Simple ERC777 token example

I don’t believe I changed anything…


const { expectEvent, singletons, constants, BN } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = constants;

const Simple777Token = artifacts.require('Simple777Token');

contract('Simple777Token', function ([_, registryFunder, creator, operator]) {
  beforeEach(async function () {
    this.erc1820 = await singletons.ERC1820Registry(registryFunder);
    this.token = await{ from: creator });

  it('has a name', async function () {

  it('has a symbol', async function () {
    (await this.token.symbol()).should.equal('S7');

  it('assigns the initial total supply to the creator', async function () {
    const totalSupply = await this.token.totalSupply();
    const creatorBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(creator);;

    await expectEvent.inConstruction(this.token, 'Transfer', {
      from: ZERO_ADDRESS,
      to: creator,
      value: totalSupply,

  it('allows operator burn', async function () {
    const creatorBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(creator);
    const data = web3.utils.sha3('Simple777Data');
    const operatorData = web3.utils.sha3('Simple777OperatorData');

    await this.token.authorizeOperator(operator, { from: creator });
    await this.token.operatorBurn(creator, creatorBalance, data, operatorData, { from: operator });
    (await this.token.balanceOf(creator))"0");




const { singletons, BN, expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');

const Simple777Token = artifacts.require('Simple777Token');
const Simple777Recipient = artifacts.require('Simple777Recipient');

contract('Simple777Recipient', function ([_, registryFunder, creator, holder]) {
  const data = web3.utils.sha3('777TestData');

  beforeEach(async function () {
    this.erc1820 = await singletons.ERC1820Registry(registryFunder);
    this.token = await{ from: creator });
    const amount = new BN(10000);
    await this.token.send(holder, amount, data, { from: creator });
    this.recipient = await, { from: creator });

  it('sends to a contract from an externally-owned account', async function () {
    const amount = new BN(1000);
    const receipt = await this.token.send(this.recipient.address, amount, data, { from: holder });

    await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, Simple777Recipient, 'DoneStuff', { from: holder, to: this.recipient.address, amount: amount, userData: data, operatorData: null });

    const recipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(this.recipient.address);;


const { singletons, BN, expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');

const Simple777Token = artifacts.require('Simple777Token');
const Simple777Sender = artifacts.require('Simple777Sender');

contract('Simple777Sender', function ([_, registryFunder, creator, holder, recipient]) {
  const data = web3.utils.sha3('777TestData');

  beforeEach(async function () {
    this.erc1820 = await singletons.ERC1820Registry(registryFunder);
    this.token = await{ from: creator });
    const amount = new BN(10000);
    await this.token.send(holder, amount, data, { from: creator });
    this.sender = await{ from: creator });

  it('sends from an externally-owned account', async function () {
    const amount = new BN(1000);
    const tokensSenderInterfaceHash = await this.sender.TOKENS_SENDER_INTERFACE_HASH();

    await this.sender.senderFor(holder);
    await this.erc1820.setInterfaceImplementer(holder, tokensSenderInterfaceHash, this.sender.address, { from: holder });

    const receipt = await this.token.send(recipient, amount, data, { from: holder });
    await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, Simple777Sender, 'DoneStuff', { from: holder, to: recipient, amount: amount, userData: data, operatorData: null });

    const recipientBalance = await this.token.balanceOf(recipient);;