Coding Journey: An Idea turned Obsession

Day32 & Day 33
You’re help @abcoathup allowed me to bring an ERC721 Mainnet Using the OpenZeppelin Preset! I ran into issues verifying the code and then I realized it would be much easier if I didn’t have to verify that entire preset.

Today I wrote a new ERC721 Solidity Contract from an older tutorial that I debugged to version 0.6.0 and adapted for the changes made to Open Zeppelin’s library.

I published my art to IPFS and uploaded the TokenURI NodeJs host to Heroku successfully. I then deployed the contract to Rinkeby and Minted the token to my address. It’s viewable on Rinkby.OpenSea!

I think this time I’m going to write some tests and verify the contract before going MainNet.
Thanks again for your help.