API Reference of defender has stopped returning the data in the way that the documentation states it

when consulting the autoTask list , API Reference of defender has stopped returning the data in the way that the documentation states it

I execute

const { AutotaskClient } = require('defender-autotask-client');
const client = new AutotaskClient({ apiKey: API_KEY, apiSecret: API_SECRET })
await client.list();

what I expect

items: [
autotaskId: '11ecbea0-7126-4345-a5a5-815898307c9d',
name: 'Example 1',
paused: false,
trigger: [Object],
relayerId: 'f75701bb-d0bd-49d2-bec9-3420a7b645f6'
autotaskId: '143f7d62-22c1-427e-82e7-20036925c4b3',
name: 'Example 2',
paused: false,
trigger: [Object]
keyValueStoreItemsCount: 0,
runsQuotaUsage: 0

what i get

data: {
items: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
keyValueStoreItemsCount: 0,
runsQuotaUsage: 0

Hey @asmel,

Apologies for the inconvenience. I'm tracing the origin of the change in the data model shape, which is related to a change we recently implemented on the client. I'll get back to the team to see if I can send a regression and release a patch.

For now, version 1.25.0 of the defender-autotask-client should work as expected
I'll get back to you once I create a ticket or have any response for newer versions.

Hey again @asmel,

I just patched and released a new version with a fix. Hope this solves the issue.
