After upgrade using prepareUpgrade() with Gnosis Safe MyContract.address returns the imp. address

From the code lines you’ve posted, would existingContract.address, give you the proxy? Or is that your old implementation address?

In my upgrade script, from the tutorial I followed in OpenZeppelin Upgrades: Step by Step Tutorial for Hardhat

I have this

async function main() {
    const proxyAddress = '0xC031c8F6C360E18b232F4728b336AA6394668F48';    // CHANGEIT - change this to your PROXY address, not impl, not timelock, PROXY

    const catnipUpdate = await ethers.getContractFactory("Catnip");
    console.log("Preparing upgrade...");
    const catnipUpdateAddress = await upgrades.prepareUpgrade(proxyAddress, catnipUpdate);
    console.log("catnipUpdateAddress at:", catnipUpdateAddress);

You may have to deploy with some arguments, but the first address is the proxyAddress, which would be your existingContract.address